Rosemary for hair

Growing up in an Indian household has invariably introduced us to several kitchen-made home remedies for common hair, skin and body issues. Be it using plant extracts, natural oils, egg whites, curd or honey, nature  has blessed us with a solution to all our needs.

There are plenty of people who vouch for the change brought about in their hair problems after using natural plants, their extracts or their oils. Visible differences can be made out in just a few uses and continued use can give you the desired results that you aim to achieve.

Among the many beneficial plants around us, Rosemary is a multitasking plant – a lesser known magic ingredient for the hair! Although it’s better known as a flavoring ingredient in Italian food, it isn’t just limited to that. Rosemary’s leaves and oil have several health benefits to the body like improved memory and concentration, digestion, etc.

Using Rosemary for hair issues has been gaining increasing popularity and is an instant hit with most people.

Let’s find out how… 

What is Rosemary?

Rosemary, derived from Latin ros marinus meaning “dew of the sea” is an aromatic evergreen shrub native to the Mediterranean. Rosemary is a perennial plant (it lives more than 2 years). It has needle-like leaves with white, pink, purple, or blue flowers.

It is a member of a sage family which includes many other medicinal and culinary herbs. 

Benefits of using rosemary for hair

Being a medicinal herb, Rosemary has been used to treat a variety of hair problems mainly by stimulating hair growth, improving blood circulation and soothing the scalp.

  • It is believed that rosemary oil has strong anti-inflammatory properties which promote healing in the skin and scalp. When using Rosemary for hair, it alleviates scalp irritation with one of its key ingredients- carnosic acid, which is known to be highly restorative in skin and tissues. These factors can improve scalp irritation and thereby improve overall scalp health.
  • Rosemary oil can be used to reap several benefits for the hair. It has been found to improve hair growth in many people even in specific cases of loss, including alopecia areata, androgenetic alopecia, and psoriatic alopecia. Research shows that rosemary oil may be as beneficial as Minoxidil for hair regrowth. Minoxidil is a synthetic drug which is used as a vasodilator in the treatment of hypertension, and is also used in lotions to promote hair growth.
  • Rosemary Oil protects hair from damage and breakage, thus positively impacting hair loss. With usage over time, hair may become stronger and appear thicker, denser, brighter or have more shine or elasticity and therefore less breakage.
  • Use of rosemary can prevent dandruff as it is an antibacterial and antifungal agent. Using Rosemary on your Hair can also be quite soothing to the scalp.
  • Rosemary’s hair benefits are also seen in improving blood circulation. When using rosemary oil on the hair, it acts as a vasodilator, meaning that it can open and dilate the blood vessels, so blood flows more easily through the vessels. This increased blood flow to the scalp provides a host of benefits to the hair and scalp itself. 
  • Rosemary oil is also used in several shampoos and cleaning products for its beautiful fragrance. 
  • Rosemary oil also helps in slowing the procedure of premature hair loss and hair graying. Due to these benefits of Rosemary for hair, it is one of the best tonics for bald individuals or the ones who are just starting to experience male pattern baldness.
  • It’s safe to use on all hair types. Mostly everyone can use rosemary oil without hesitation but if you happen to notice any allergic reactions, stop using the product immediately and consult your dermatologist. 

How to use rosemary for hair growth

You can use Rosemary for hair growth by treating the hair and scalp in a variety of ways. However, for any potential hair growth benefits, the application must be regular and intentional.  Owing to the hair growth cycle, any effects on hair growth post using rosemary oil,  may take six months to show up. 

Use rosemary oil Daily/nightly application for at least 6 months in these ways: 

  • DIY treatment oil: make a mixture of rosemary oil with your favorite carrier oil, such as almond or coconut, and add any other treatment oils for growth, such as pumpkin seed oil. Apply to the scalp and massage gently using your finger pads. Leave it on for 4-6 hours before washing out.
  • Add rosemary oil to your existing shampoo. You can add a few drops of rosemary oil to your shampoo before washing your hair. It might not be as effective as direct application but could still allow you to receive some oil benefits.
  • Use rosemary oil products. In addition to the direct application of rosemary oil treatments, many shampoos and conditioners contain rosemary oil that you can incorporate into your beauty routine.

Mandatory precautions for using rosemary for hair 

There might be certain allergic reactions caused by rosemary oil at times. Therefore, it is always a good idea to consult a doctor prior to using this essential oil. Rosemary may also cause allergic contact dermatitis, although not generally considered to be a human sensitizer.

Products with rosemary

Rosemary oil can be applied in various product forms, from simple oil formulations to serums, shampoos, and treatments. 

Here is a power-packed Zemé product that has the right amount of rosemary in it for you to have shiny, healthy and strong hair.

Zemé all natural Leave-In Serum contains rosemary, Rose Petals and Hibiscus. This Serum is made from fresh ingredients that naturally help reduce frizz and make the hair healthier with every use.

Simply use it after shampooing, conditioning and towel drying your hair. Apply Zemé Leave-In Serum on damp hair and let it be your shield against hair damage.

Now that you know that rosemary works wonders on your tresses, use it on your hair to see the changes for yourself. 

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Most haircare problems can be solved by following a haircare regime that is free from synthetic chemicals.